Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Search for the Red Spoon

Growing up in New Jersey, there were always three things I could count on in the summer: riding my bike well into the evening hours, catching lightning bugs in my grandparents' backyard, and enjoying many of these...

That red spoon. As a kid, it was the symbol of a perfect summer evening. On those warm breezy nights, I couldn't wait to ride my bike or walk with the family to Dairy Queen. It was what I looked forward to the whole day. "Maybe we can get Dairy Queen tonight," I hoped. Luckily, it was never too hard to convince my family.

As a teenager, the joy of ordering a medium hot fudge sundae (same thing every time) definitely did not wane. Summer nights, driving around town with friends, usually ended up at DQ. And now as an adult, living in NYC, I needed to find that red spoon. I needed to order that medium hot fudge sundae once again.

Well, it's not as easy as it sounds. Up until recently, this elusive red spoon could only be found in one NYC location. Can you guess where? Stay tuned for my next post and I will share the tale of my paramount journey.

Until then, let me know some of your favorite summer memories, as a kid or as an adult. Everyone has a summer story to share!

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