Sunday, June 29, 2014

Journey to the Lost Borough

It all started last month when I was casually skimming the internet during my "morning scroll" (you know, laying in bed and scrolling through your phone for posts or articles you missed while sleeping). I came upon an article about a second Diary Queen location opening on 14th Street in Manhattan. "Second?" I thought out loud. "Where is this first location mysteriously located?" I read further and there it was: Staten Island. I know what you're all thinking. "Well, that doesn't really count as a NYC location, does it?" My sentiments exactly! But, those are the boundaries of our great city and we must abide by them.

I couldn't get the thought of a hot fudge sundae out of my head. And because the Manhattan location wouldn't open for another week, I knew what I had to do. Make a pilgrimage to Staten Island. So I packed my bag, kissed my dogs, waved goodbye to the townspeople and started on my journey to the mysterious island. Because isn't that what summer is all about? Crazy little adventures. When else during the year can you travel great distances for ice cream? It is the perfect excuse to get out there and explore.

I made my way to the very tip of the Manhattan and was greeted by a huge "can't-miss-it-if-you-tried" ferry terminal. Maybe it was the giant letters spelling out "Staten Island". The FREE (yes, free) ferry departs every 20 or 30-minutes in each direction. Don't let the hoards of people fool you, there was plenty of space on the giant ferry boats, no need to squeeze next to obnoxious tourists. Instead, I found a quiet window seat and enjoyed the beautiful vista.  I don't care how long you've lived in this city, the views of downtown Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty are always breathtaking. Honestly, it was worth the trip alone.

After 20 or so minutes of (thankfully) smooth sailing, I arrived at St. George Terminal in Staten Island. As I stepped out into the terminal, there it was, shining like a beacon: Dairy Queen.

I made it. Like seeing an old friend again after a long absence, I was nervous at first. But, as soon as I reached that counter, it was second nature: "Medium hot fudge sundae, please." Just as delicious as I remembered.

My journey could have ended there, I mean I did reach the promised land and claim my reward. However, I thought that wouldn't really be fair to my readers. So I decided to be adventurous and explore these parts unknown.  Luckily, some fun attractions are located right outside the ferry terminal.

The terminal's waterfront promenade is the perfect place to sit and stare at beautiful downtown Manhattan. Walk a little further down the promenade and you'll find the Island's 9/11 Memorial, Postcards. The sculpture, built in 2004, is a tribute to those who died in the attacks. Turn around and you'll see the stadium for the Staten Island Yankees, the popular minor league baseball team. Can't afford a trip to see the Bombers in the Bronx? Enjoy a great day of baseball here and maybe you'll see the next great Yankee player (Robinson Cano and Brett Gardner were SI Yankees before hitting it big).

Summer in NYC is all about the little adventures. The best part is, you never know where they will lead you! Even if you're not a fan of Dairy Queen (I shudder to think), hop on the SI ferry and explore the borough that is oft-forgotten. From the Staten Island Zoo to the beaches of the South Shore, you will definitely find an adventure worth taking.

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