Monday, June 9, 2014

The Moth

Although it's fun to explore the New York that many of us know, or eat at restaurants that are in popular neighborhoods, I think it's important to feature off-the-beaten-path activities. Activities that may expand your mind or enrich your soul. An activity that maybe even the most seasoned New Yorker does not know about. I don't know many of these activities (I am still learning!) but I do want to share one: The Moth.

The Moth's StorySLAM is held nationwide, with many dates available in Manhattan (and now Brooklyn) this summer. Basically a poetry slam for storytellers, each performance features ten randomly selected members of the audience (previously signed up, don't worry!) who have five minutes to tell a story, any story. Story themes range from "lost" to "only in Brooklyn." At the end of the night, a judging panel compromised of fellow audience members votes on their favorite story.

Held in different locations around NYC (mainly Housing Works), StorySLAM is a great opportunity to feel part of a little community, even if you're alone. The audience is always a friendly group, collectively cheering the person at the mic. In a society accustomed to interaction via social media, it's truly refreshing to sit in front of individuals and listen to them share their story. However, if you're not the type to just sit around, tell your own story. Anyone can submit a story idea and you never know, you might be the one chosen.

Tickets are only $8 at the door (warning: get there early as there is usually a long line and they sell out quickly). Don't feel like waiting in a long line? Purchase tickets in advance at I know, how can it get any better? Wait, did I tell you that alcohol(!) and snacks are offered? See, it got even better.

The Moth's StorySLAM is the perfect summertime outing in New York. It's cheap, it's fun and I promise you'll feel more engaged and cultured after attending. Don't miss out!

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