Friday, June 27, 2014

Beyond NY(Sea)

Okay, I know I am a few days late but, it's officially SUMMER!  And new season, new font (at least for this post.) Let's all take a few seconds to jump around in excitement. Done? Good, because we really have a lot of activities left to cram in. With only three short months left until the first leaves begin to fall, lets take a short quiz...

Question 1: When you think of summer you think of what? 
Beaches! Yes, of course beaches. The unofficial symbol of summer.

Question 2: And when you think of New York City, you think of what?
I'd venture to guess that none of you said beaches. 

And why would you? NYC may be world-famous for a lot of things but, its beaches certainly don't have the best reputations. So, instead of wading through the sewage in the Rockaways, let's take a trip to the not-so-far east... 


Recently voted the cleanest beach in the Northeast, Long Beach features a beautiful two-mile stretch of soft sand, blue water and a brand new boardwalk (built after the destruction from Superstorm Sandy). Less than an hour from midtown (you read that correctly), Long Beach is the most convenient (and $economically friendly$) beach outside the five boroughs. It is so close to NYC, that I can draw a map for you right now:

         NEW | MAN | QUE |
         JER | HAT | ENS |
                     OOK |
                     LYN |  *LONG BEACH*
No car? No problem. The LIRR offers round-trip tickets for just $22 from Manhattan's Penn Station. Worried about getting lost on the train? Below are the incredibly confusing directions from Penn Station. Are you ready? You might want to get a pen.

Step 1: Get on the LONG BEACH line at Penn Station.

Step 2: Get off the train at LONG BEACH.

I know, that was challenging. You may want to do a dry-run the day before.

But all kidding aside, everyone deserves a beach day this summer, even us New Yorkers! And if you're like me, you will never even dip a toe in any of the rivers. So, head out to Long Beach from some genuine surf and sand. It's clean, close, and cheap! You can't ask for much more than that.

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