Sunday, June 1, 2014

But, Why?

This blog is about two things: navigating and exploring New York City and doing so (in said city) with me, myself and I.

Having reiterated that, I can only imagine two questions a reader of this blog may have.

1. Why New York City?
Great question. With 2 rivers, 5 boroughs, 83 museums, 1,700 parks and 20,000 restaurants and bars, it is safe to say that New York City has a lot to offer. Generally blessed with a pleasant climate in June and July (August is a swampy pit of humidity so we'll just forget about it for now), New York City in summer provides ample opportunities for exploration. The snow has long thawed and once again we are able to walk/bicycle/subway to thousands of awaiting adventures. Also, the copious amount of sunshine brings an added bonus. Most summer activities are, if not free, very budget friendly. 

2. Why alone?
Well, firstly, thank you for your judging tone. Secondly, if you took the time to do a quick Google search you would have seen that over 1.4 million single people live in New York City. No, correction; over 1.4 million single people between the ages of 20 – 34 live in New York City. That’s one-eight of the city’s entire population. That does not count the number of solo international tourists or single visitors from our neighboring states. And what about parents who need some "me" time or a husband/wife looking for a day to him/her self? 

If you can answer "yes"to the question, "are you sometimes alone in NYC looking for something to do?" then this blog may be for you. 

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