Friday, June 6, 2014

Party of One

Let’s be honest, the idea of dining alone for the first time can be down right terrifying. Even for a veteran solo traveler, the phrase “party of one” can cause serious anxiety. From a young age, we are taught that eating out is a social experience. An experience best enjoyed with, if not a group of people, at the very least one other companion. But why does that always have to be the case? Is it so hard to imagine enjoying a meal alone? We do it in the confines of our own home daily: breakfast in the kitchen, lunch on the couch, or even dinner at the table. But what our homes don’t include are the judging eyes of other diners. “Oh, that lonely man,” they whisper. “How sad.”

The fear of dining solo is rational; I am not here to argue that. In fact, I think it is usually the primary reason many people choose their couch over an adventure. It is undoubtedly the biggest hurdle to jump and, therefore, the best place to begin. Luckily, I am here to help you reach the glory on the other side. A simple action, eating a meal at a table for one, has the possibility to produce wonderful feelings of liberation! I believe it is worth a try, especially if we can all agree to start small.

The first step: eat lunch alone. No, not at your desk or in the cafeteria, somewhere outside your work or school. I think the best way to get a taste of dining alone is to take your lunch and sit in a public place. You can enjoy the beautiful summer sunshine and sample delicious takeout options in your neighborhood. Not so scary, right?

Today, I soaked up the sun in Richard Tucker Square and ate an amazing egg sandwich from 72nd Street Bagel. Not bad for a Thursday afternoon. 

So, give it a try. Remember, baby steps. Let me know how it goes!

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