Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Garden for One.

The beautiful summer days of June: warm sunshine, a light breeze and no humidity. They are the ideal moments of summer, and they are also fleeting... fast. That's why it's so important to get out and enjoy the fresh air now. The miserable stickiness of summer is looming right around the corner. (We see you August. Stay away!) I am sure you're wondering, "Where can I really enjoy nature in this concrete jungle?" Not known for its lush landscapes, New York often gets a bad reputation when it comes to nature. But most people forget the oasis just north of Manhattan: the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx.

Located steps from MetroNorth and Fordham University, The Botanical Garden is truly a paradise right in our backyard. Stepping through the gates you won't believe you're standing in the Bronx, yards away from the bustle of Fordham Road. The vast property allows visitors to enjoy peaceful surroundings right out of a movie.

Perfect for a solo stroll, the Garden is one of the few spots in NYC that you can truly relax while feeling active. Let yourself leisurely explore the grounds. Stop by the Garden's iconic Haupt Conservatory for the latest exhibit (currently "Groundbreakers" which features gardens designed by American women). The lily pond in the courtyard can't be missed and is the perfect  place to sit and reflect after a busy week.

The Garden is also home to the Peggy A. Rockefeller Rose Garden and the pristinely manucaured two-and-a-half-acre rock garden. My favorite part of the Garden is standing on Hester Bridge, right over the rapids of the Bronx River, and listening to the rushing water below. The tranquil sound is not something you often hear in Manhattan.

From the magnolia trees to the lilac bushes, the Garden is a real treat for the eyes. And perfect for a  convenient outdoor summer escape. If you're feeling extra adventurous, stop by neighboring Arthur Avenue for some authentic Italian cuisine beforehand. You can have your own picnic lunch in the Garden, what is better than that?

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