Saturday, July 5, 2014

We Are Not Alone

(Well, figuratively we're not alone but physically we're still alone. Or else why would you still be reading this blog?)

A little over two weeks after creating this blog, I was scanning the top stories on Yahoo!. Wading through the (mostly) mindless fillers of Kardashian gossip and "top résumé mistakes", I came upon an article that made me stop in my tracks. "Could it be? Did I just read that correctly?" I thought. I read the article's title again, and I did in fact read it correctly: One of the Best Days of My Life Was at Disneyland - Alone.

Alone!? Are there really others like me out there, a loner who isn't afraid to get out and explore? Yes, it is true. And her name is Erica Bray. Although, instead of exploring NYC, Erica decided to travel to the Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland.

(Photo: Courtesy of Erica Bray)

I know what you're thinking, "Disneyland? All those families and couples!" But Erica shares in your fears and the article, published on Yahoo! Travel, turns out to be a very funny (and informative) read. I, of course, identified with Erica and her willingness for a solo adventure. I also thought this would be the perfect article to share with you guys.

Erica took what could have been an awfully awkward experience and turned it into "one of the best days of her life." Read the article and you'll see the pros of her solo adventure greatly outweigh the cons. Skipping the long lines? Yes, please.

So, the next time you're not feeling brave enough to venture out in NYC alone, remember Erica Bray and her trip to Disneyland. We are not alone! Loners are all around us, don't be ashamed. Get up, get out and enjoy what could be the best day of your life.

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