Friday, July 18, 2014

Volunteering for One.

So far, we have talked a lot about all the cool things you can see and do this summer in NYC. But, along with all the fun adventures, I believe it is also important to give back. With the free time that the summer months allow, now is a great opportunity to become involved with an organization in need. And although you may think otherwise, volunteering is the perfect activity to sign up for alone. Not only will you be helping others in need, and exploring NYC in the process, you will also be joining other solo helpers without any awkwardness.

In case you don't want to take my word for it, below is an interview I conducted with Alexandra Holtzer, who works for Volunteer Relations at New York Cares. NYC's leading volunteer organization, NYCares runs "volunteer programs for 1,300 nonprofits, city agencies, and public schools."  Its main goal is to connect the needs of the community with New Yorkers (like us!) who are willing to help out. Below Alexandra shares with us how to get involved, why summer is the perfect time to volunteer and why signing up solo is the way to go!

Peter: Usually, people in New York have a lot more free time in the summer. What are some ways they can get involved through NYCares?

Alexandra: Summer is a great time to explore different parts of New York that you might not want to trek to in the cold winter. New York Cares offers a plethora of outdoor environmental revitalization projects in every borough throughout the summer and into the fall. We have opportunities to clean up and plant community gardens to painting murals on buildings that might need a little face-lift. New York Cares also offers tons of outdoor sports activities where volunteers can help kids stay active while they’re on summer vacation. Or you can sign up for a field trip project like chaperoning kids to the zoo. We also provide several indoor projects every week that will keep you cool but give you a reason to explore a new neighborhood you’ve never been to before.

P: What are the best ways to sign up for a program?

A: The best way to sign up for a project would be to go to our website; however you can always call us with any questions or to sign up. The first step in the process is to make a profile at, after you’ve done that we ask that the volunteer participate in an orientation about New York Cares.

P: Do you have in-person assistance?

A: We provide in-person orientations in every borough and digital orientations that you can attend from your own couch. After the orientation the volunteer is welcome to sign up for any open project they’re interested in!
(For our project sign-up hotline please call 212-402-1101 during business hours)

P: There are so many volunteer opportunities listed through NYCares. How do you suggest a person narrow down his/her search to find an organization that is of interest?

A: Like you said New York Cares has an array of projects for volunteers to participate in from animal care to promoting health and wellness. There’s something for everyone! There are a few ways to narrow down all the opportunities to find the best fit for a volunteer. I personally like to look at location first, someone from Staten Island might not want to go up to the Bronx or vice versa, because accessibility is imperative to volunteering we offer projects in every borough and you can use the location filter on our project search page on the website to do so (we even have a subway line search tool). After deciding the preferred location, the volunteer can pick what day of the week they would like to volunteer and what time of the day. When all of those options are decided the volunteer can then pick from the assortment of projects offered.
(To use the NYCares search tool, click here.)

P: Do you find that more people sign up by themselves or with friends/family?

A: We find that more people sign up individually. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people if you’re new to New York or if you’ve lived here since you were born!

P: People may be hesitant to volunteer if they don’t have someone to go with them. How would you respond to this hesitation?

A: First I would say that being hesitant about volunteering alone is completely normal! I would just think about your first day of school, you had your brand new backpack and sharpened pencils but no friends! When you entered the classroom you might have been a little nervous but by lunch you already had a best friend and you were throwing crayons at the student you liked. That’s exactly what going through orientation and projects is like (minus throwing the crayons). Don’t be afraid to be open, volunteers are all here for the same reason, to help fellow New Yorkers so you already have that in common! Wayne Gretzky said it best, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

P: What are the common demographics you notice most within volunteering groups (age, gender, etc.)?

A: New York Cares volunteers are very diverse. We have volunteers from 18 to 90, native New Yorkers and recent immigrants, and a variety of professional and academic backgrounds. That being said, our volunteer base does reflect trends in volunteerism nationally. For instance, we tend to have more female volunteers than male, at a ratio of about 2:1. Additionally, our volunteers do tend to skew toward the younger end, with a majority being under 35. However, we do have hundreds of volunteers who 55 and older as well.
(For more information about New York Cares, click here, email or call 212-228-5000 during office hours.)

And there you have it, nothing to be afraid of. Volunteering this summer is really the perfect mix of exploring NYC while also giving back to the community. And as Alexandra said, the volunteering groups are so wonderfully diverse that no matter what your age or gender, you are likely to feel comfortable. I encourage you to take Alexandra's great advice and sign up for a project today.

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