Saturday, August 2, 2014

Let's Go to the Movies

Not every summer weekend is blessed with beautiful weather. And, like today, gloomy skies and rain showers can really ruin your plans to get out and explore. But don't let some grey clouds get you down. Instead of sulking around your apartment why not enjoy the perfect rainy day activity: going to the movies.

While seeing a movie may be kind of boring and uneventful in another city, in New York it is truly an experience. And most of the time it is a good experience. Those of you who have gone to a movie theater in NYC know that it's kind of like rolling a pair of dice, you really don't know what the outcome will be. New York is famous for offering some wonderfully unique cinematic gems, however, it is also known for loud audiences and filthy theaters. 

To avoid the theaters with gum on the seats and rowdy high schoolers in the back row, I suggest checking out this great guide to the NYC movie theaters posted by Gothamist. The guide is a thorough (and very accurate, at least by my experiences) listing of where to find the best movie experience in the city, whether you are looking for less-crowded mainstream theaters, art house indie flicks, or an old-school "movie palace". 

Comfortably seeing a movie alone may be my favorite thing about NYC. It's so common place that I think it's considered a requirement that every New Yorker must go to a movie alone at least once. If you don't believe me, let this hysterical Buzzfeed post tell you (because I know you listen to everything you read on Buzzfeed). Or how about an endorsement from Lebron James? Yes, Lebron James, who has millions of people to see a movie with, chooses to go alone. 

(AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File)

There really is no excuse. Great theaters are all over the city, they offer something for everyone, and I guarantee there will plenty of people enjoying the film alone. Plus, even if it's crowded with couples and families, think about how easy it is to find one seat instead of two!

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