Friday, May 30, 2014


In a city of 8 million, people may think it's hard to be alone in NYC. Not true. By choice (or not), there are a lot of single people here. And why should they have to miss out on all that the city has to offer? Amazing food, beautiful sights, world-class museums. Whether a tourist, transplant, "Bridge & Tunnel" commuter or a native to this great city,  we all deserve the chance to experience the Big Apple without feeling ashamed for riding solo.

Let's face it, as we get older our circle of friends shrinks by the minute. Whether coupling up or moving across country, they're no longer a text message or subway ride away. We need to adapt to the changing tides; and I, for one, will be riding the single wave to shore. Who's with me?

For all the newbie loners, it is scary at first. The bleak stares of pity from cute couples, or looks of confusion from precious families, can be uncomfortable. But, in time, it all fades. And the quicker it fades, the quicker you can get out this summer and enjoy the greatest city in the world!

So don't be embarrassed. Turn off Netflix, get off the couch, and join me as I show you what NYC has to offer for loners like us. And just remember there is only one person that you'll need to please: you.